Schoo Policies


Transfer certificate is issued based on under mentioned headings i.e completion of school or on request of parents for change of school. This letter certifies that the student is a genuine ward of this school.

Aims & Objective
The aim and objective of the T.C Committee are to issue the transfer certificates as and when required.
·         Completion of school
·         Change / transfer of school

·         The parents and guardians of the concerned students should get a T.C application form and fill it up.
·         The signed form is forwarded to the T.C committee for necessary action.
·         The committee should ensure that the child has no dues against the school in every aspect.
·         The committee should verify the   information from the admission register and prepare the certificate.
·         The committee has to strike off the name from the admission register and inform the class teacher for necessary action.
·         The form should be collected and filed up properly for futurereference.
·         Maintain proper record of the T.C being issued.
·         In case of a loss of a T.C , individual will be fined nu.50 for a new T.C.

Student Support Service Policy

Aim: To promote the welfare of students.
Objective: To render services to all the needy students.

·         To ensure the safety of children.
·         To improve the performance of weaker children.
·         To support the economically deprived students.
·         To guide and counsel children with mental, emotional and social problem.
·         To create awareness about career education.
·         To impart basic life skill education and values.

·         SSS Coordinator
·         Counseling Focal Teacher
·         Discipline Coordinator
·         Academic Coordinator
·         Health Coordinator
·         Scout Focal Teacher
·         Concerned Class Teacher
·         Parent Representative

Roles of Student Support Service Committee
·         Planning
·         Coordinate and monitor the implementation of student support services (SSS) programs.
·         Conduct review meetings and provide necessary feedback to the coordinators and concerned support group.
·         Review, rectify or recommend SSS activities.
·         Submission of program reports to the office and concerned authorities (DYCS)

Roles and Responsibilities of Coordinators
1.      Safety support
·         Prepare action plan, implement & assess
·         Coordinate and monitor the areas concerned
·         Organize safety education class (Health)
·         Display safety rules in the classroom wall
·         Communicate with the parents
·         Organize teachers and students on safety duty in the morning(scouts)
·         Organize to invite traffic officers to talk about traffic rules
·         Organize a discussion with school authority and concerned stakeholders in case of major safety problem.

2.      Academic support
·         The class teachers, subject teachers and school monitors to identify the weaker students and give extra/remedial class.
·         The class teacher, subject teacher and the parent of the academically weaker students to all put extra effort for the improvement of the child.
·         The concerned class teacher or the subject to use the schedule for remedial classes and maintain records for follow up & reference.

3.      Social Support
·         The class teacher, subject teacher and house masters to identify the students under different social problems and refer to the school counselor. The school counselor will try to counsel and communicate with the parents if needed. The counselor will also inform the office in case of serious matter and will refer the matter to a higher authority concerned with the consent of the school authority. The counselor must maintain an up to date record of the progress of the child.
·         Prepare action plan, implement and assess the concerned areas.

4.      Financial Support
·         The School Authority and Student Support Service Committee (SSSC) will be informed of the financial problem of a child by the class teachers.
·         Meet, discuss and provide the services as per the criteria formulated.
·          Prepare plan, implement and assess
·         Organize fund raising activities and help the needy students.

Criteria to identify disadvantaged children
·         Orphan
·         Divorced parents with more than three children to support at school.
·         Disabled parents
·         Parents too poor to send children to school.

Sources of fund
·         The committee to organize the fund raising activities such as lottery draw, donation through volunteers, putting up stalls, flower buttoning etc. during the school functions and programs.
·         The needy students to be engaged in the fund raising activities like charity show, guess and weigh games.
·         A separate budget allocation as a principle budget from the school SDF to be kept for SSS.

·         To meet, discuss and arrange help as and when required.

·         The committee along with the coordinator and class teachers to coordinate any kind of help when the situation demands.



The School Store forms an essential part of every organization (large or small) to store goods and materials required for smooth functioning of an organization. A proper inventory system is necessary for storing and managing books, stationeries, teaching materials, and tools and accessories required for school curriculum activities.


  • To maintain a proper inventory of goods and materials received and purchased by the school.
  • Issue and maintain the proper record of the goods issued to the concern individuals or classes.
  • Prepare requisition as per the needs of the school.

Store In-charge

A teacher will be designated as a Store In-charge for a period of 3 years.

Duties and Responsibilities of a Store In-charge

·         Keep up to date information of the store inventory;
·         Issue and collect materials from the class teachers;
·         Timely preparation and submission of the requisitions to Thromdey Education Office;
·         Collect fines from students (and teachers) for the textbooks (and teaching reference) that have been lost, torn or not returned. The class teachers shall collect the fines from their students. A record of total amount collected, money receipt issued, and the list of collections shall be maintained by the Store In-charge.
·         Store In-charge shall, in consultation with the Principal and VPs, utilize the money collected (as fines) to procure teaching materials for the school.
·         Issue guidelines through the class teachers on the proper usage of textbooks along with the cost of textbooks. The class teachers shall display the guidelines in a proper place in the classroom so that students are well aware of it.

Procedures for Issuing the Materials

·         Store In-charge shall design a comprehensive Requisition Form for issuing materials to teachers and to keep track of materials issued.
·         All teachers shall fill in the Requisition Form stating clearly all the materials required for their respective classes. Store In-charge shall maintain a file containing duly filled Requisition Form which is signed by the individual teacher and countersigned by the Store In-charge for future record and reference.

Guidelines and Instructions 
1.      Store In-charge shall ensure to put a Seal on each textbook issued to the students every year to know the frequency of a textbook being issued and used.
2.      The textbooks should last for at least 2-3 years. In the event of the textbooks being lost or spoilt, fines shall be charged as given below:

·         If a student lose or spoil a new textbook, then s/he shall be charged full cost of the textbook.
·         If a student lose or spoil a textbook which is two years old, then s/he shall be charged half the cost of the textbook.
·         If a student lose or spoil a textbook issued to him/her which is three years old, then no fines shall be charged from the student.

3.      Teachers must also return the manuals, syllabus, reference books, and durable stationeries to the Store at the end of every academic year. Should a teacher fails to return any of the materials, they should be made to replace or pay the cost of the materials taken by them.

Student Support Service Policy

Aim: To promote the welfare of students.
Objective: To render services to all the needy students.
·         To ensure the safety of children.
·         To improve the performance of weaker children.
·         To support the economically deprived students.
·         To guide and counsel children with mental, emotional and social problem.
·         To create awareness about career education.
·         To impart basic life skill education and values.

·         SSS Coordinator
·         Counseling Focal Teacher
·         Discipline Coordinator
·         Academic Coordinator
·         Health Coordinator
·         Scout Focal Teacher
·         Concerned Class Teacher
·         Parent Representative

Roles of Student Support Service Committee
·         Planning
·         Coordinate and monitor the implementation of student support services (SSS) programs.
·         Conduct review meetings and provide necessary feedback to the coordinators and concerned support group.
·         Review, rectify or recommend SSS activities.
·         Submission of program reports to the office and concerned authorities (DYCS)

Roles and Responsibilities of Coordinators
1.      Safety support
·         Prepare action plan, implement & assess
·         Coordinate and monitor the areas concerned
·         Organize safety education class (Health)
·         Display safety rules in the classroom wall
·         Communicate with the parents
·         Organize teachers and students on safety duty in the morning(scouts)
·         Organize to invite traffic officers to talk about traffic rules
·         Organize a discussion with school authority and concerned stakeholders in case of major safety problem.

2.      Academic support
·         The class teachers, subject teachers and school monitors to identify the weaker students and give extra/remedial class.
·         The class teacher, subject teacher and the parent of the academically weaker students to all put extra effort for the improvement of the child.
·         The concerned class teacher or the subject to use the schedule for remedial classes and maintain records for follow up & reference.

3.      Social Support
·         The class teacher, subject teacher and house masters to identify the students under different social problems and refer to the school counselor. The school counselor will try to counsel and communicate with the parents if needed. The counselor will also inform the office in case of serious matter and will refer the matter to a higher authority concerned with the consent of the school authority. The counselor must maintain an up to date record of the progress of the child.
·         Prepare action plan, implement and assess the concerned areas.

4.      Financial Support
·         The School Authority and Student Support Service Committee (SSSC) will be informed of the financial problem of a child by the class teachers.
·         Meet, discuss and provide the services as per the criteria formulated.
·          Prepare plan, implement and assess
·         Organize fund raising activities and help the needy students.

Criteria to identify disadvantaged children
·         Orphan
·         Divorced parents with more than three children to support at school.
·         Disabled parents
·         Parents too poor to send children to school.

Sources of fund
·         The committee to organize the fund raising activities such as lottery draw, donation through volunteers, putting up stalls, flower buttoning etc. during the school functions and programs.
·         The needy students to be engaged in the fund raising activities like charity show, guess and weigh games.
·         A separate budget allocation as a principle budget from the school SDF to be kept for SSS.

·         To meet, discuss and arrange help as and when required.
·         The committee along with the coordinator and class teachers to coordinate any kind of help when the situation demands.

Professional Development Policy


It is a plan of action formulated by group of Teachers who guides, provide support, help and inspire the staff in ensuring total personality development of the individual. The group looks at the need of the individual members of the staff. This exercise is carried through regular practice of school Level Monitoring Support Services. The committee in discussion with the Head of the school then identifies the staff development program, which can assist them to cope with the changing curriculum or the job requirements and increase their ability to be effective in the work they perform.

  • Professional Development is a key tool that keeps teachers abreast of current issues in education, and for realizing new learning for all students through a new vision of PD.


To help teachers to grows professionally through proper support and guidance.


To provide timely support and guidance to the teachers to be more competent in their profession, inspiring to meet the goal and expectation of the school and the students.


  • To help and inspire the staff and ensuring total personality development of the individual.
  • To help them implement innovations and refines their practice.
  • To transform schools into places in which all adults and students are deeply engaged in learning and making of their lives.
  • To increase educators’ knowledge of academic content and teaching skills, while changing what educators believe about student learning and how they interact with students.


  • To look after the need of the staff.
  • To motivate, guide, inspire and lead the team to positive endeavor.
  • Help build positive attitude and values.
  • To help build a team spirit among the staff.
  • To inform the office about the expectation of the teachers.
  • To help to prepare the teacher to be more competent in the field of teaching.
  • To maintain the proper records of the SBIPS or the discussions carried out in the school to address the problems faced by the teachers.

  • To assist and help to conduct SBIP as when necessary.

  • To identify and prepare PD schedule based on needs based studies and through students’/ parents’ feedback.
  • To work on the logistics, budget, materials and expertise for the PD programs.
  • To institute a system of documenting each of the PD programs comprising of: Agenda, Objective, Outcomes, and follow ups.
  • To maintain staff profile with respect to their participation and their expertise in various PD programs.
  • To share best practices by staff during general staff meetings/ professional development meetings.
  • To encourage reading of educational related publications like journals, researches, pedagogy, e-journals, psychology and educational philosophy.
  • To institute a system of collecting feedback from students/ parents/ teachers to ascertain the PD needs.

For ex-country training (worshops, training etc), eligibility will be based on:

  • Performance.
  • Work related.
  • Competency.

The same criteria will be applied for the in-service training (workshops, meetings invigilation etc). However the final selection will be done specifically by the committee

1.      Principal
2.      Academic
3.      Literary Coordinator
4.      Subject coordinator



Rinchhen Kuenphen Primary School has introduced the IT committee in 2011. The need for the committee was felt after receiving twenty laptops for students from the Ministry of Education, thus it was formed.


The committee is formed mainly to foster ICT as pedagogical tool. The committee works on the premise that:
·          ICT stimulates and empowers classroom learning experience.
·         Students in IT-integrated classroom learning hone their creativity and critical thinking skills. 
·         Teachers will also enjoy more varied and challenging teaching experience.

Aims of the committee

The committee aims to:
1.      Make ICT resources accessible for teachers and students
2.      Make judicious use of ICT resources available in the school
3.      Enhance the capacity of teachers in using ICT tools available
4.      Render professional support in designing and delivering ICT infused lessons


1.      Refresh the ICT skills of teachers and re-orient in usage of ICT tools
2.      Set –up Internet connectivity
3.      Plan requirement of necessary software and applications
4.      Keep the ICT facilities functional with less down time 

Roles of IT Coordinator: 

1.      Maintain stock entry register of the IT resources
2.      Set computer room and frame rules and regulations (If needed)
3.      Frame time table for the usage of CMPC laptops to each classes
4.      Manage IT room
5.      Schedule professional development programmes for teachers 

Members and tenure:

Anyone who is interested can be the member and they should serve the committee for at least three years (minimum).


1.      Use computer for teaching related research and other useful purposes.
2.      Stay away from the computer while eating, drinking or smoking.
3.      Be mindful of the waiting colleagues.
4.      Keep the computers covered when not in use.
5.      Make sure you scan the drive before opening
6.      Use CMPC laptops to deliver IT enriched lessons.

Examination plays a vital role in the education system. It is used as an assessment tool to identify the standard of individual student. Examinations are conducted twice a year to measure the learning outcome of the students.

Objectives: To evaluate the students’ performance authentically in order and to check the quality imparted.

The two components of CA are:
·         Formative Assessment.
·         Summative Assessment.
Weighting Scheme: (PP - VI)
Annual exam

Assessment Tools:
·         Anecdotal Records
·         Checklists
·         Rubrics
·         Conferencing
·         Portfolio
·         Self-assessment
·         Overall behavior
·         Observation form

·         Principal
·         Academic Head
·         Subject Coordinators
·         Exam Committee

 Functions of Committee Members:
a)      Prepare action plan:
At the start of the academic session, the committee should draw up action plan for conduct of examinations for the year as per the dzongkhag calendar. The plan should include dates for term exams, submission of draft question papers, blue print submission and result declaration. The overall examination is then included in the annual school calendar.
            b)     Coordinate question paper printing
The committee should make a timely reminder to the concern teachers, coordinate to cross check on the blue print development and moderation of the question paper prior to the final printing. The committee is responsible for safe keeping of question papers after printing till the time of examination.
           c)      Prepare invigilation roster.
The committee is entrusted to work out the invigilation roster for the entire period of examination. Provision for invigilation substitutes and relievers must be worked out carefully.
          d)    Examination rule
The committee must prepare a set of Dos and Don’ts for the student during the examination and cautionary reminder and guidelines must be developed for the teachers. The rules and the guidelines must be made aware to both students and teachers prior to examination.
          e)      Examination hall/ Room arrangement:
It is the responsibility of the examination committee  to ensure a proper sitting plan in every examination room, especially to check on “sneak, peek’’ by the students during the conduct of  the examination. Also, ensure that invigilators follow the rules strictly as stated in the examination guidelines.  Adequate furniture with proper lighting must be given priority in the examination rooms.  
           f)       Maintaining question bank

The committee should dispatch the exact number of question papers according to the number of students in the particular examination rooms. A set of question papers must be maintained in the question bank for future record and references. The committee is also required to keep the records of students absent and present during the exam.

Disaster Management

To make school teachers and students understand and know the impacts of a disaster in order to take appropriate measures to reduce disaster risk for a Safe and Happy School.

To make each and every one in the school:-
  • understand the consequences of a disaster
  • form the School Disaster Management Committee (DDMC), School Disaster Management Teams (DDMT) and identify their roles and responsibilities
·         enhance the awareness of schools on the impending disaster hazards like Earthquake, Landslide, Fire and Flashflood etc… that have threat in the country
·         take forward the conduct of mock drill and other safe initiatives program in the school

Role & Responsibilities:-
1.      Facilitate in formulation and preparation of SDM Action Plan
2.      Identify different Disaster Management Teams (SAR team, First Aid team, Early Warning & Awareness Team, Transport team, Security Group etc…) and delegate their roles and responsibilities
3.      Conduct SBIP to sensitize on disaster management and make aware on dos and don’ts of each disaster hazards
4.      Conduct of mock drill at least twice a year
5.      Coordinate and facilitate the disaster management activities in the school
6.      Monitor and supervise all the groups in carrying out their disaster management activities effectively

7.      Ensure that all teachers and students in the school have name tag and carries to school every day

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